Update 1.0.1


New cover image.

New timers will appear when you finish a level, they will show how much time you spent in completing that level and how much time if you didn't die. Also below it you will find a death counter to know how many times you have died.

New level counter, on the top left you will find the number of the level you are in.

Your position light will change color depending on its position, if it is on a place that is dangerous (spikes, walls, guns) it will flash red meaning that you cant go there or to warn you, else it will flash blue.

New conveyor belt added, this tile can help you move faster or slower depending on the direction you are going.

New moving spikes, they will go in and out of the wall giving you a chance to pass if you are quick enough.

New levels and changes to already existing levels.

New win screen appears when you finish all the levels.


KeyCoord Play in browser
Mar 09, 2021

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